
Four Simple Ways To Find Happiness Within

A lot of times, especially as women, we’re told, “Marry or find someone who completes you.” So we grow up with this idea that we should look for our soul mate, or someone to make us happy and feel complete. When we think about it in that aspect, or in that manner, it implies that we’re not whole. It implies that we’re half of a person. And it causes us to feel that in order to be happy or to be seen as whole we have to connect with this “soul mate” to find happiness.

You’re Never Alone

It took years for me to realize that God never turned his back on me throughout my ordeal, but was in fact there with me all along. It was him who nudged me and gave me that little burst of strength (I passed out and was blocking the door) to move my body so that the firemen and EMS could reach in and drag me off the bathroom floor. It was God, who whispered in my mom’s ear as I was being rushed back to the operating room that I would live and not die.